Sunday, August 4, 2013

First impression: Lorac Self TANtalizer.

I have been on a mission lately trying to find the 'perfect' face self tanner since I haven't tanned my face in at least a year. I figured I'd share my experiences on here to help everyone considering a good amount of my friends were acquired managing tanning salons. Yes I do still tan & no thanks on the lecture. I am simply here providing a glimpse into the world of (facial) self tanners & my experiences. 

So I literally just applied this to my face 15 mins ago & wanted to get this out of the way while everything is still fresh in my mind. I will be updating this tomorrow with the results of how this turned out. 

First Impression: Lorac Self TANtalizer. 

Smell: total thumbs down on this one. It smells worse than skin after a tanning bed, like something died. 

Application: I love the color guard (a pre color that shows up when applying to help aid in an even application) but it still applied streaky (crossing my fingers it's just the guard) & was way too quick to dry during application which I believe is the reason I have streaks. 

I used a sample packet, the full tube (2.20 oz.) is $28 as per the Sephora website (can also be found other places like the Lorac site I'm sure). 

All in all I hope this self tanner surprises me (in a good way) & I wake up tomorrow loving the color (& not hating a Monday more than normal). 

If you have a facial self tanner that's worked for you leave it below & I'll most likely give it a try! :)

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