Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Results: Lorac Self TANtalizer.

I just wanted to post a quick update on my experience with the Lorac Self TANtalizer that I did a first impression on in the last post. Honestly, I woke up yesterday expecting the worst because of the streaky application but once I washed off the color guard (with just water in the morning) the self tan on my face was flawless, so I was very pleasantly surprised! I know a lot of self tanner scents tend to linger even after being washed once but this one didn't (thank god). The only thing I'm bummed about, but expected, is that the color is already gone. I wash my face everyday and last night when I washed it in the shower with a facial cleanser & a cheap Sephora face brush it disappeared (but again I expected that). I know from my tanning salon days that there are soaps better for self tanner that won't strip it so fast but I can't remember them off the top of my head. I was really hoping it could have lasted at least 2 days but that is expactly why I'm on this hunt, to hopefully find one that can!

If you have any questions on the self tanner I tried or even self tanning in general please leave them below & I will help you out to the best of my abilities! <3

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